

From award to commissioning Subsea and Hydraulics provided support to a major client in the steel plant manufacturing industry for a brown field build of a new Blast Furnace. The design and procurement phase was completed over 12 months in the UK prior to secondment to Belo Horizonte in Brazil for 3 months. Whilst in Belo FAT visits were conducted to the individual manufactures of the hydraulic control equipment and power units. In addition prospective installation contractors were vetted to finalise selection of the third party local labour to assist in the pipe work and system installation. Finally the build phase of 7 months was completed in Vitoria in the Espirito Santo region of South East Brazil.


Subsea and Hydraulics are well versed in all aspects of cable installation having recently assisted installation of LoFS (Life of Field Seismic) Array cables in the North Sea for a major Oil company over a 6 month period offshore. The Field wide design phase was carried out over 12 months prior to setting sail. Bespoke equipment design was an integral part for this project and mobilistation of the equipment was tightly managed.

Multiple Umbilical installations have been carried out in both the North Sea and Worldwide with on platform supervision given by our highly trained professionals.

We have assisted in hundreds of km’s of power cable installation and trenching for numerous second and first tier clients. We have also assisted clients during installation of PLEM’s PLETs and umbilical lay in Egypt 20km off of the coast of Alexandria. The client installed pipe was then pre-commissioning and nitrogen dried following Subsea and Hydraulics procedures.

More recently we have assisted in the engineering of multiple power cable installations with first and the more technically challenging second end J tube pull in on a very challenging and particulary abrasive seabed in Mexico.

More details available on request.